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Transitioning Military Families

When a service member concludes their active-duty tour, their whole family undergoes a huge change. This change impacts the service member, their spouse, and their children. The transition to civilian life affects different dynamics that often include job uncertainty, a change in geography, and the loss of support systems.


There are ways to decrease the stress to the family during time of transition. It is important to promote a positive mindset. The family can now choose to live wherever they want. This opens the possibility to live near family and the potential for more quality time with loved ones. Planning ahead can relieve apprehension. Even when the plan isn’t fully developed, just knowing what to expect will help the family feel more in control and a part of the decisioning process. Keep communications open. While this time can be exciting, it can also be confusing and scary. Discuss how everyone is feeling and continue to be there for each other through tough times as the family adjusts to the new home, new schools, and attempts to make new friends.

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