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The Right to Cancel Credit Repair Service

Credit repair service can sound like to viable option, especially when one feels trapped in trying to improve their credit situation. Credit repair companies promise to help by repairing credit or improving credit and can charge hefty fees for their services. Make sure to read the agreement and terms and conditions. Take special note that a company who uses telemarketing to sell credit repair services must meet certain Federal requirements before charging for service: (1) The results must be achieved in the time that was promised, and (2) The customer must be provided with a consumer report generated more than six months after the claimed service showing the result.

A person can dispute errors on their credit report without assistance from a paid service company. Free credit reports may be obtained at The letter of dispute should identify the item being disputed, the reason for dispute, and whether the request if for a correction of the reported information or a removal of the account. A sample letter of dispute may be found at


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