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Planning a Military Retirement Budget

Budget after retirement from the military may look different from the active duty budget. Things that were once provided may now be a cost that must be incorporated. It is important to know what to expect, including fixed expenses and optional expenses. In addition to retirement income, determine other types of income such as that from a job or investment income. Be sure to adjust for taxes and other deductions.

Military retirement income can be determined by the type of military retirement, explained further at There are also different military pay types. Military Money provides a list at Military retirees may be eligible for Social Security. Military retirement income and Social Security income should not affect each other. More information may be found on the Social Security Administration website at

Once a budget is figured out, it can help determine whether additional sources of income is needed, whether adjustments must be made to expenses, or where to live since different parts of the country have different costs of living. The sooner a person knows their budget, the more prepared they will be.


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