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Ease the Heat

We look forward to summer. Summer vacations, time with family, and reprieve from the winter blahs. Summer heat can take a toll, sometimes without us noticing until too late. High temperatures, no matter how welcoming, can increase the risk of heat-related issues. Here are a few ways to stay safe during the summer.


  • Plan outside activities in the morning and evening when temperatures are cooler. Aquatic activity is a good way to stay cool.

  • Enjoy indoor activities during the middle of the day. Get steps in while window shopping inside a mall.

  • Stay hydrated, increasing fluids during workouts.

  • Eat foods that help to keep the body cool such as cucumber, leafy greens, lemon, melons, mango, avocado, yogurt, fish, and mint.


Be mindful of your body. Find shade and cooler places when you begin to feel heated. If unusual symptoms or pain is experienced, see a health professional. By taking precautions, the summer can be enjoyed fully.


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