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Dark Guardian

Coping Strategies for Families During Separation

There are many emotions that spouses and partners experience when their service member deploys. These emotions are reasonable and common. Understand that, as the day of departure nears, the service member will be busy in preparations for the mission. While it is natural to feel stressed, depressed, or even resentful and detached, bear in mind that this is a work activity.

Here are some tips to help cope with these emotions before and during deployment.

  • Share feelings and discuss what both sides can expect during the deployment.

  • Discuss how to communicate during deployment.

  • Focus on what can be controlled and engage in enjoyable activities such as a class, a project, exercise, or meditation.

  • Keep a journal of thoughts and feelings as a way to release stress.

  • Find support with friends and groups such as Dark Guardian with whom to share concerns and challenges and where participation will lend support to others.

For those who find they need a little more help to manage emotions and challenges, there is free non-medical counseling available. Information on non-medical counseling can be found at


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