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Image by Kevin Hendersen

What We Are About

Our Purpose

Military families and caregivers are the hearts of veterans. It is with the support of the military family that our service members can do the difficult and demanding job they do; and it is the caregiver who helps the veteran with the care they need and deserve. By providing camaraderie, resources, and assistance to the military family and caregiver, we create a community of support among those who share and understand these day-to-day challenges.

Who We Are

We are a membership of benefactors whose passion is to further the mission of the organization to support the military family, their caregivers, and the veteran. We are a community of like-minded individuals who have a comradeship based on shared experiences, and we band together to aid and assist our brothers and sisters of the military family.

When We Meet

We meet on the third Saturday

of every month at 3:00 pm.


Everyone is welcome!

Come see who we are and what we are about.


Stay for the camaraderie.


If you cannot join us in person, join us on Discord.

Click here to request guest access.

Board of Officers

Lynnnoi McCormick, Director

Jim Loorya, Director

Sherry Edwards, Fundraising Coordinator

Jon-Michael McCormick, Director

Lori Oneil, Secretary

Peter Vu, Social Media

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